Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ludachristmas the Third: A Colette Macaron with Rudolph

This year marked my third annual Ludachristmas dress. What's a Ludachristmas dress, you ask? It's my answer to the ugly Christmas sweater ensemble. Much as I love ugly sweaters, when I'm going to a holiday party I'd really prefer to wear something cute. So my answer is to sew a cute outfit with cheesy/ugly/ridiculous Christmas fabric.

This year I hit the jackpot: a few months ago I found this amazing Rudolph fabric for 75% off!

Isn't it fantastic? I knew that I needed to use a pattern with a fairly simple design that wouldn't cut up the fabric design too much. I ended up choosing Colette's Macaron, which I've had in my pile of to-do projects for the past year.

The great thing about Macaron is that it has a lot of really cute design details, like the sweetheart neckline and contrast yoke, but the elements themselves are fairly simple, which gives you the opportunity to showcase great fabrics like this one. I chose a grey and white snowflake cotton as my contrast fabric, and voila!

Another great detail: hidden behind the outside front pleats are...

Pockets! These pockets were hugely stressful to sew, because I actually had to slash down the front skirt piece to install them. But thankfully Colette's instructions were fairly clear and it all worked out. Plus they seem a lot more hidden and less bulky than other pockets I've sewn, which have been installed in the side seams.

I plan on sewing several more versions of Macaron - it's such a versatile pattern. I've also made some notes in my pattern book that next time I should really extend the bodice pieces by at least an inch and a half. Right now the waistband hits me more at the under-bust area than at my natural waist. Anyway, live and learn.

Happy holidays!

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